Sunday, November 09, 2008

Be Kind to Me

You may or may not have heard of the blog Rocks In My Dryer, written by super saavy mother of four and Oklahoma resident, Shannon. It's one of *the* mom blogs for great ideas, interesting info, and a good laugh.
So you can imagine my reaction when I found out she wanted to write about my new business venture! Right now she's hosting a giveaway for Sugarhouse Ink gift cards on her blog and did a sweet little writeup about it too. Yay for good people on the internet!

-Michael Hurley-


Amber said...

Congratulations! That is some good publicity. How did she find out about you? Also congrats on the job, it sounds perfect.

Joanna said...

Yay! I love that when you decide to do something, you just do it! What a great way to get the word out! Random question - did you have to get a business license and go through all that stuff? Was it a pain?

Oh - and have fun with the new job this week! - Miss you!

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