Clara is two years old! The past two years have been so fun and rewarding and we've loved every minute with our sweet little girl. Here's a little bit about what Clara's up to these days:
-She has completely transitioned out of her high chair and has a little table and chair in the kitchen where she eats all of her meals. She is a wanderer and roamer and we're working on not leaving the kitchen until a meal is over.
-She's a super helper and when she finishes her food she always gathers all of her dishes and utensils and puts them in the sink by herself.
-Still loves to sing and is picking up SO many new songs. Current favorites are Praise to the Man, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Angels We Have Heard on High, Happy Birthday, and ABC's.
-She has enjoyed all of the snow we've gotten and loves to play outside in it.
-Says so many words it's impossible to keep track now. She narrates our entire day and will attempt to say any word you throw her way. I adore her darling pronunciation of certain words, like "el-fen-aunt" for elephant and "raffe" for giraffe. She says, "hold you" when she wants to be picked up and "rock you" when she wants to be rocked.
-She knows the names of all of her relatives.
-Some of her favorite phrases right now are, "all fresh, all clean!" (after every diaper change), "mommy/daddy where aaaaaarrrreee you?" (every time she wakes up), "all ready to go" (when she wants to go somewhere).
-She calls pretty much any older wise-looking gentleman in a suit a prophet. She knows who the First Presidency is and can identify President Monson, President Eyring (sometimes just "president ring") and President Uchtdorf.
-Is such a tough little girl and I'm continually amazed at the tumbles, bonks and falls that never result in tears.
-She is learning to say "please" without being reminded, and often says "thanks" or "thank you" on her own too.
-One night recently when she woke in the night, I went in to check on her. She was standing in her crib crying, so I pulled her out and started to rock her and sing her request, "Praise to the Man." I was singing quietly to her (it was 5:30 or so in the morning) and she said, "Turn it up, mama!"