Saturday, September 06, 2008

Never Leave Lonely Alone

Spencer and I have been talking for a while about possibilities for a big adventure next summer. Some of the options we're considering:

-A guided rafting/camping trip through Cataract Canyon
-Visiting Spencer's cousin in Alaska (who happens to be a pilot) and possibly backpack around the Denali
-Take a month off from life and do an overland Europe to Asia trip possibly hitting -among other countries- Italy, Greece, Turkey, India and China
-Bike the Oregon Coast (take two...)

It would be great to be able to do them all, but we are saving our pennies in hopes of doing one. What's your vote?

Image via
-Ben Harper-


overly effervesant said...

Well... If you decide on doing the Alaska Denali thing, my cousin is a Danali guide. But they all sound fabulous. And if you do go to China make sure you go to Tibet. Seriously, it is the most beautiful place I have ever been.

Meg Ruth said...

I vote for a month long trip form Europe to Asia.

That sounds like a dream!

J-E said...

Tough call, but I lean towards two of them: Europe/Asia or Alaska. My reasoning? If you want to take a big adventure next year, those seem like ones for the money. You could visit Colorado the year after (even if your budget is tighter), and you could get to Oregon to bike the coast. But traveling with your spouse for extended periods of time when you're still childless? It seems like too tempting an offer to pass up.

Meredith said...

Bike Oregon, duh! :)

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