Thursday, September 28, 2006

Today's The Day

Today I sat here for eight hours just like I do everyday. Stared out the window and dreamed (or is it dreamt?) about the clouds as I gazed at thisand became at least moderately obsessed with these. Decided that I need to take a ride in one real soon. Found a good excuse to go here on my lunch break. Sat on the cobblestones and people-watched while I gulped down a fry-filled pita. Ate the most amazing waffle with bananas and chocolate sauce until it looked like this . Established that co-worker Jimmy (affectionately known by some as Jim-Bo) has in fact been drinking buttermilk since his arrival in Belgium. Played with photoshop after being lectured by my boss about how we don't need vacations (he claims he hasn't taken one in two years) and took an imaginary field trip to an african beachand another to antartica. Got paid for it (in my dream). Maybe you should click on those pictures to make them big and see how good I am at photoshop. Bought this fabulous little thing (it's a pumpkin, can you tell?) to celebrate the impending arrival of October. Yes! I intend to eventually use it as a vase for an autumn arrangment of flowers. Wore these (my favorite running shoes ever - Nike Free 4.0) and went for a long run here . Watched young protesters protest and proceed to play manhunt in the park. Danced with reckless abandon for at least 20 minutes thanks to this incredible invention and admired my 30-foot shadow as it wriggled and popped to music that could be heard by no one but me. Accidently forgot to set the microwave to its toaster setting and made something that looked like this . Ate it anyway. Listened to this fine young musician for hours. Didn't get sick of him. Can't wait to download the next episode of this because I'm pretty sure I have the first episode of the season memorized by now. "It's all gooooood." Thought about my friends here (and other places too, don't worry). Wondered if I want to live here when I leave Brussels. Still unsure.

It was a pretty good day.

-Aimee Mann-


Anonymous said...

I love this post! It's my favorite ever!


Amanda said...

A day in the life of Sarah... Very cool. Thanks for sharing it with us :)

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