Saturday, November 11, 2006

You and Whose Army?

Yesterday we missed the train to Aachen, Germany by a few minutes. Instead of waiting two and a half hours for the next one, we decided to explore something a little closer to home; Armistice Day in Waterloo. We climbed 226 stairs to the monument in honor of the location where Prince Guillaume of Orange was wounded. We enjoyed the view from the top of Butte de Lion. We mourned over the loss of 40,000 people. We played with toy guns in the gift shop. It was a good day.

I can say I was a little depressed to discover that I (almost) single-handedly allowed the Democrats to take control of the Senate by not being responsible enough to somehow obtain an absentee ballot in order to cast my ever-important Virginian vote. I'd like to apologize for anything bad this could - and probably will - mean in the next few years. I'm sorry.


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