Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Wait Out The Days

Sometimes postsecret can be super sketchy. And sometimes it can be sooo great.
And sometimes I wish I had this kind of courage.But more often I wish I had someone to be that courageous about.
-Rocky Votolato-

Monday, March 26, 2007

Beautiful Rainbow

This weekend I organized my books.I ran in the Rex Lee Run and came in 26th for my division, meaning I ran more than two minutes slower than last year. Maybe I should train for the next race. I have four more races to run this year and this is the shortest distance I'm planning on. Maybe the pink and brown t-shirt was unlucky?

And I got smeared with color at the Hare Krishna temple in Spanish Fork.
-The Elected-

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Since it is officially spring, I think I need to make these.-James Taylor-

So Many Stories

It's been a while since I've updated. The latest in photos:

Jenny and Nigel got engaged.
Megan (NY roommate) came to visit.Megan bought a wedding dress. (no, she's not engaged)I found out that three kitchen chairs can fit in my Corolla, but not four. I got four at DI for $10.
I saw Seussical The Musical.
I finished moving in!

-Brandi Carlile-

Last Night I Had The Strangest Dream

I gave birth.
-Ed McCurdy-

Sunday, March 11, 2007

where my heart says I oughta be

Adrienne has inspired me. I've been thinking about experimenting.

One idea was inspired by this girl in Michigan who spent 30 days living in a self-created pre 1950's world. Now, I'm not willing/able to go as far as she did, but I've been tossing around the idea of going for a week without certain technologies. I can only do so much, because I have a job I'd like to keep. But my experiment would involve not using a computer at home, and not using it for any personal reasons at work. It would also mean no cell phone, and no tv. I'm thinking that I better do it soon (while The Office is still in rerun mode) or I won't be able to deal. Anyway, I'd like to get away from google, wiki, craigslist, the blogosphere, etc. for a little while and read more books, work out more, spend time with people instead of just emailing or chatting with them. I've had this idea for some time now, that certain elements of technology have destroyed the intimacy of communication. I'd like to see how I feel about it after going for a week without it.

The other experiment I've been thinking about is having a 'non-consult' week. Something I've learned about myself recently is that I'm constantly seeking other people's opinions about... almost everything. I knew it was bad when I called someone today to have them look up something online that I was about to buy in the store, to see what they thought. I'd like to see how I do on my own. I need to learn to trust myself more.

-Ben Folds-

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Shut Your Eyes and Sing to Me

Last night I saw who had easily become one of my favorite groups during my European excursion: Snow Patrol. I knew about them long before I moved to Belgium, but I definitely connected with their music in a new way while I was there. Especially this last album. It seems rare these days to find a group that sounds as good (or if you're lucky, better) live, and not just in the studio. Snow Patrol did not disappoint; they proved to be one such band. I got some clear images, but I liked the Giacometti feel of this one. They played lots of favorites, although I'll admit it's hard to tell some of their songs apart. It's easy to criticize them for sounding alike on so many tracks. But just try getting through a few lines of "You Could Be Happy" and you'll see that their genius is cleverly disguised. They rocked the night away, surprisingly one of my favorites was Set Fire To The Third Bar. Don't get me wrong, I love the song was just surprised at how well it was performed by the girl they brought out of the audience to join Gary. Overall, a great night.

-Snow Patrol-

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Feels Like Home

Here is the first portrait of my new house. I can't wait to see what she looks like in spring!

-Chantal Kreviazuk-

Friday, March 02, 2007

Rockin The Suburbs

Blogs are so much better when you're traveling or having some exciting adventure. If that's what you're interested in reading, please refer to my archive. Otherwise you might like to know that recently quite a lot has happened. Namely:

1. I found an adorable place to live in Sugarhouse
2. I got a speeding ticket on an on-ramp and I'm still trying to figure out how that is even possible
3. I saw Othello last week and think Iago is definitely one of the worst villains ever
4. I had the best Middle Eastern meal of my life at charming and delicious Mazza with my beloved Provo roommates
5. I've started to become one of those people who watches American Idol, but I'm not sure why. I think everyone does it so they have something to talk about with their co-workers at least three days out of the week.
6. I've definitely formed a solid opinion in opposition to Social Security
7. I attended my first mission reunion ever
8. I decided that I really want to see the movie Breach
9. I survived an avalanche of sorts on I-15
10. For the first time, the blog hits from India, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand actually make sense(hi Jackie!)

-Ben Folds-
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